Monday, July 18, 2011

Virtual Villagers 4: The Tree of Life

Tips: The Tree of Life

If you want time to go faster, quit the game and increase the time on your computer by 2 hours. Start the game again and 2 years have gone by. Don't jump more than 2 hours into the future at a time as your villagers may run out of food and starve. You can then buy technology or get a new project underway and jump 2 years into the future again and again and.... If you adjust the time on your computer past midnight be sure to increase the date by 1 as well. Otherwise you will accidentally jump into the past, which often has grave side effects for the villagers. You can push the space bar to pause the game before you reset the computer's time back to the correct time and that will save your villagers.

When you want a baby don't let them walk back to the hut. Keep an eye on the population count and keep trying until you see the population size increase.

Always use a child to heal anyone who is sick. That is the only skill a child can be taught and when they reach 14 years old they will heal the sick on their own even if you are not around.

To get to a different part of the map quickly, push the number keys. You can also pick up a villager then press a number key to transport the villager to another part of the map.
1 = bottom left, 2 = bottom middle, 3 = bottom right
4 = middle left, 5 = middle middle, 6 = middle right
7 = top left, 8 = top middle, 9 = top right

Drag both huts close to the wood pile before starting construction.

Drop a villager on the wood pile and one on the dry grass near the stairs. When they are done drop a villager on the fire pit to start the fire.

Don't put villagers on the blackberry bush for food. Instead drop them on the cutting tools in the lab (see Puzzle #1 below). This way they will get 30 points for food instead of just 5 points.

Herbs: White herb near bridge, yellow above the lab, and orange near the top left of the map.

After boiling water (see Puzzle #3 below) drop villager on the table after three herbs have been collected. Then drop any villager, even children and nursing mothers, on the food bin to add food to the pot.

Low tide is every 2 hours.

After earthen oven is complete, make the stew and drop villager on the fruit tree.

Strategies: The Tree of Life

At the beginning of the game be sure to select one young female child, two males and two females 14 years old or slightly older.

Make one villager a farmer and the rest researchers.

Start the fire and make cutting tools (See Puzzle #1 below).

As soon as you have 5000 points buy level 2 construction and start on the earthen oven (See Puzzle #6 below).

You will need to build the Love Shack before you can have children.

Puzzle 1: The Cutting Tool
Requirements: Start Fire. (See Tips Above)
Action: Drop one or two villagers on the big fish bones on the beach. Each villager will make three cutting tools and put them in the lab. You need to do this each time you run out of cutting tools.
Description: "Your villagers have discovered a method for the manufacture of cutting tools."

Puzzle 2: The Stream
Requirements: Adept or Master Builder.
Action: Start villager cleaning debris near upper waterfall to make the river flow. The debris will accumulate over time so this needs to be maintained. Once river is flowing, drop an adept or master builder on the keystone on the bottom right of the map and wait for him to fix the leak.
Description: "Your villagers have restored the normal life-giving flow of the stream."

Puzzle 3: Boiling Water
Requirements: None
Action: Drop villager on bowls at the top of the stairs to add fresh water to the pot and on the bowls at the bottom of the waterfall for salt water and he will carry the bowl of water to the pot. Drop a villager on the small rock pile on the lower left of the bridge. Villager will carry the rock to the fire. When the rock is red hot then drop villager on the rock to boil the water in the pot.
Description: "Your villagers figured out how to boil water. Good for them!"

Puzzle 4: Soap Invented
Requirements: Puzzle #1, #3, #7
Action: Make a stew with 3 white herbs and salt water. Drop a villager on the pot once the stew is done.
Description: "Your villagers have invented soap! Now they can wash behind their ears."

Puzzle 5: The Butterflies
Requirements: Puzzle #1, #2
Action: Drop a villager on the healthy green stalks near the lower left of the stream. He will go get a cutting tool and return to the stalks. When he is covered in the green cloud slowly carry him to the tree. Make sure the butterflies are following. If you go too fast then the butterflies will return to the stalks. If that happens then just bring your villager back to the stalks and wait for the butterflies to follow.
Description: "Your villagers have made the Tree of Life attractive to butterflies again."

Puzzle 6: The Frog Rescue
Requirements: Puzzle #1, #2
Action: When it rains a puddle will form to the right of the stairs. Drop 10 villagers in the puddle and they will carry frogs up the stairs to the stream. You can make it rain by dropping a villager on the healthy stalks in the stream to the left. He will go get a cutting tool and return to the stalks. Once he is covered in sticky glue put him in the flute area to meditate. Keep everyone else away for a few minutes and it will rain. You have to keep an eye on the children because they like to disturb people when they are meditating.
Description: "Your villagers have rescued some frogs. Good for them."

Puzzle 7: The Cooking Pit
Requirements: Level 2 Construction
Action: Clear out the rocks in the square pit on the bottom left of the map near the strange fruit trees. When the fire is burning, drop villager on the rock pile to carry rock to the fire. Once the villager reaches the fire drop another villager on the rock pile for another rock. When the rock is red hot drop the villager on the rock to carry it to the cooking pit. You need 4 rocks in the pit at the same time. You need to be fast because if too much time passes the rocks in the pit disappear. You may wish to go to "MENU" then "OPTIONS" and change speed to "SLOW" to finish this puzzle. Once 4 rocks are in the pit at the same time then drop a villager on the banana tree and wait for him to cover the oven. Then when you drop a villager on the strange fruit tree he will take the fruit to pit and will automatically wait until it cooks and carries it to the food bin.
Description: "Your villagers have restored the fruit cooking pit to functional condition."

Puzzle 8: Cloth Invented
Requirements: Puzzle #1, #3, Sewing hut, Fix piers
Action: Drop one villager on the rock wall to the right of the wood pile and they will cut pulpy vines and place them on the stew table. Make the stew with salty water from the bowls to the lower right of the waterfall and boil the water. When stew is done drop villager on the pot and he will carry a bowl to the flat rocks on the beach. Then keep dropping villagers on the pulp on the rocks until finished.
Description: "Your villagers have discovered a method for the manufacture of cloth."

Puzzle 9: The Nursery School
Requirements: Level 3 learning.
Action: Build the 4th hut and put an adept or master of 3 categories at the lecture mat to teach the children.
Description: "Your villagers have built a nursery school. This will help them raise smarter children."

Puzzle 10: The Mossy Rocks
Requirements: double clicking power
Action: Drop 2 children on the beach crab to distract him. Then drop 5 adults on the crabs. They will carry the crabs to the mossy rocks. Once completed drop an adult on the mossy rocks for a story.
Description: "A story seems to be carved in the rocks!"

Puzzle 11: The Grand Feast
Requirements: Puzzle #3, #7, #12
Action: Make stew with one of each herb and fresh boiling water. Drop villagers on each, the blackberries, fruit tree, fishing pier, food bin, and a child on a mushroom. You can drop more than one villager on each food to make sure to get at least one of each into the pot. Have an extra hot rock ready if you have trouble finding the mushroom. If the pot stops boiling then you do not have to empty the water, just get the herbs and food again.
Description: "The villagers have put together a marvelous feast!"

Puzzle 12: Fishing Nets
Requirements: Puzzle #1, #3, #8, Adept builder
Action: Drop 3 master builders, or one 3 times, on a pier. You may need to make more cloth (Puzzle #8) a few times if they are unsuccessful.
Description: "Your villagers have repaired the fishing traps. Now they can add fish to their diet."

Puzzle 13: Pruning The Tree
Requirements: Puzzle #1, #3, #4, #8
Action: With extra cloth made, drop villager on sick tree limb. He will go get the cloth and return to bind the tree limb. Then drop him on the cutting tools and he will cut off the branch. Drop a villager on the soap. He will carry the soap to the damaged tree limb.
Description: "Your villagers have successfully treated the damaged limb."

Puzzle 14: Honoring The Tree
Requirements: Puzzle #1, #3, #4, #7, #8, #13, Level 3 Dendrology
Action: Make a stew with 3 yellow herbs and fresh water. Drop all villagers, even children and nursing mothers, on the pot. They will carry a plate to the tree.
Description: "Your villagers have honored the tree."

Puzzle 15: Purify Tree
Requirements: Puzzle #1, #3, #4, #7, #8, #13, Level 3 Dendrology
Action: Go to "OPTIONS" and change the speed to "SLOW". Start a fire and make soap if you don't have any left. Drop an adept or master of 3 categories in the school to teach the children. Then drop another villager in the hole in the tree then on the bar of soap. He will carry the soap to the bath, then drop him in the bath and wait for him to get out of the water. Move everyone away from under the tree and drop the villager back on the hole in the tree. You should drop the teacher in the school a couple times to keep the children occupied. Then drop the villager in the flute area to meditate. When he stands up drop him back on the hole in the tree. He will go inside the tree and carry a bug to the fire. Then you can see the history of the tree.
Description: "Purify Tree! The tree has been purified."

Puzzle 16: Decorating The Tree
Requirements: Puzzle #1, #3, #8, (possibly #13), Extra cloth
Action: Drop a villager on a box of braids in the lab and they will carry it to the flat rock on the beach. Drop a villager on the braid and he will go get the cloth and return to fix the braid. Follow the hummingbird to show you witch flower is in bloom and wait there until the hummingbird leaves. Drop at least 7 villagers, even children, on the flower and the last villager will carry the lei to the tree. This needs to be done 3 times and the flower in bloom will change each time. Once the third lei gets to the tree you can see the story of the tree.
Description: "Your villagers have successfully decorated the tree."

The Tree of Life

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Virtual Villagers 3: The Secret City

Tips: The Secret City

When looking for a chief, try the kids first. That is one thing they can do besides pick up collectibles.

When the population is large and you are having a hard time finding a chief with all the kids running around, press the space bar to pause the game. Then put all the kids or adults on the circle in front of the robe. Once you get everyone, or at least many, on the circle press the space bar again and they will all try on the robe.

When you want a baby don't let them walk back to the hut. Keep an eye on the population count and keep trying until you see the population size increase.

Always use a child to heal anyone who is sick. That is the only skill a child can be taught and when they reach 14 years old they will heal the sick on their own even if you are not around. The sick hang out around the center of the map before the hospital is built. If a villager sneezes when you pick them up then they are sick and must be cured or else.

To get to a different part of the map quickly, push the number keys. You can also pick up a villager then press a number key to transport the villager to another part of the map.
1 = bottom left, 2 = bottom middle, 3 = bottom right
4 = middle left, 5 = middle middle, 6 = middle right
7 = top left, 8 = top middle, 9 = top right

Don't start all building projects until the statue is done. Save at least one to make adept builders in the future in case your chief or the current builders die.

Before population 15 and again before 35 a new hut foundation appears. The hut must be built before the population can grow over 15 or 35. Change all preferences off of parenting until the hut is complete.

When you hear the bells look for mushrooms or collectibles.

Drop the chief on the circle in the amphitheater and watch the magic show.

Drop the chief on the food bin once a day.

Drop the chief at the top of the ramp to point out collectibles for the children to find, level 3 leadership required.

When the chief and villagers stop the statue project, which happens often, drop the chief on the lecture circle in the amphitheater and then on the statue or lower part of the ramp. As the villagers come to attend the lecture, drop them on the statue or lower ramp as well.

Try to choose a master builder for chief when you are ready to start the statue project. The statue will be finished quickly.

Strategies: The Secret City

Drop the children on the circle near the robe. If one of them becomes chief then drop the chief on the food bin to make magic food. This can be done only once in 24 hours.

Set 1 villager's preference to farming and get them started on the beehive and set 3 other villager's preference to science and start them on the research. Stay with them until they become trainees.

As soon as you have enough points, purchase the level 2 restoration. Change 3 villager's preference to building and get them started on the lower of the 2 hut foundations. You can do this in the reverse order, start 3 villagers on the lower hut first then as soon as they become adept, change their preferences to science and get them started researching.

Keep monitoring their progress closely. This first part of the game crucial to the survival of the villagers.

Next you need to finish puzzle #6 the lift (see below). As soon as the builders are adept, immediately put the builders repairing the lift.

Wait for the rain. You may want to get in the habit of keeping someone standing on the lift while you look around for mushrooms. Keep checking to see if the villager is still standing on the lift as they will soon get board and walk away. Plant the seed after it rains.

Drop a villager on the lift and wait for the rain. After the rain, plant the third seed. You may want to keep using the time trick explained under tips above until this step is finished.

Start building your population slowly by setting 1 or 2 women's preferences to parenting and stay with them until they become trainees.

Keep building your population and points. You will need to finish that first hut to get the population over 15 and later another hut to get the population over 35.

After this keep purchasing technologies until everything has been purchased and there is no need for scientists anymore.

Puzzle 1: First Chief
Requirements: None
Action: Drop any non-nursing villagers on the circle in front of the robe and they will try on the robe. It is possible that the robe will not fit any of the villagers. In that case wait until the population grows and try again. The chief will be chief for life so you will need to do this each time the chief dies. This is not necessarily the first puzzle that should be solved. At the beginning of the game if the robe doesn't fit the children then I will not try the adults. The adults are desperately needed doing other projects.
Description: "The robe fits! The chosen one has been found. Your tribal chief does not actually work, but when set to a task, others nearby are more effective. The chief also has other powers, yet to be discovered."

Puzzle 2: Beehive
Requirements: None
Action: Drop a villager on the woodpile by the beehive. Drop another villager on the dry grass near the waterfall. After they carry the wood and grass to the fire pit, drop a villager on the fire pit to light the fire. Then drop a villager on the burned out torches near the beehive and wait for him/her to light the touch and carry it back to the beehive.
Description: "Your villagers have cleverly calmed the bees with smoke, so now they will be enjoying delicious honey!"

Puzzle 3: Alchemist's Lab
Requirements: Adept or Master Scientist
Action: Drop an adept or master scientist on the 5 randomly scattered objects around the map. There are 3 pots, a spear, and a bowl. Use all your adept scientists if you have more than one. Wait for them to carry the objects to the alchemy lab.
Description: "Recovering all the scattered pieces, your villagers appear to have restored what was once some kind of alchemy lab. By finding hidden herbs, they can now start creating interesting and potent potions!"

Puzzle 4: Roster of the Dead
Requirements: None
Action: Drop villagers on the vine-covered object in the lower right (number 3) of the map. They will carry the vines away. Set your villager's preference to building for this project. This puzzle will take some time so don't wait for it to be completed. When finished, click the stone for the roster.
Description: "Hidden behind vines and growth, your villagers have found a great plaque for recording the lives of those who have passed on."

Puzzle 5: Weather Dancing
Requirements: Chief, 3 Adept Farmers, Level 2 Leadership
Action: Start the fire. Drop the chief on the fire. If it says, "Leading a dance poorly" then you have not yet met the requirements for this puzzle. If it says, "Doing a weather dance" then drop 3 adept or master farmers on the fire to dance with the chief and it will start raining.
Description: "With your chief leading, your villagers have discovered that they can influence the weather."

Puzzle 6: The Lift
Requirements: 3 Adept Builders, Level 2 Restoration
Action: Drop 3 adept builders on the lift. They must all be working on the lift at the same time and they will fix the lift and complete this puzzle. This puzzle is a key to your villager's future survival. Get this done as soon as possible before the dry season begins. As soon as it starts to rain, put a villager on the lift and the bucket will fill with water and raise your villager to reach a seed in the tree. Plant the seed. You will need to do this a second time to plant the third tree.
Description: "Your villagers have succeeded in setting upright an ancient lift from the precursors of this city. It is clearly designed to let them reach the tree high above on the cliff."

Puzzle 7: Rubble
Requirements: Level 2 Restoration
Action: Drop villagers on the rubble on the bottom middle (number 2) of the map. Set the villager's preferences to building. They will pick up a rock and carry it away. This puzzle will also take some time so you cannot wait for it to be completed. I save this puzzle until after the statue is finished just in case the statue was not able to be finished before the chief or builders die. This puzzle is a good way to make many more trainee builders for the statue project. Once completed, drop a villager in the hole to see the underground room. Notice the pictures on the walls. They are the key herbs for solving another puzzle, one for each faction.
Description: "By digging and clearing, your builders have found a collapsed building and a concealed room. It seems to be an archiving room and, hopefully will shed some light on the history of this mysterious island."

Puzzle 8: The Ancient Bath
Requirements: Puzzle #3, Master Builder
Action: Drop a master builder on the chalkboard in the alchemy lab and he/she will draw the plans for the ancient bath. You can draw the plans as soon as you have a master builder even though you are not ready to start the bath project. After the plans are done, drop villagers on the bath on the lower left (number 1) of the map and they will start carrying rocks away. Set the villager's preferences to building. This is the only area that the stone tablet collectibles will appear but only until the project is complete. This puzzle will take some time so you can't wait for its completion.
Description: "Your villagers have repaired an ancient bath, and the clean rains have filled it! What a wonderful place to meet, swim, and stay clean and fit!"

Puzzle 9: The Statue
Requirements: Puzzle #8, Chief, 1 Master Builder, Level 3 Restoration, Level 3 Leadership
Action: Drop a master builder on the chalkboard in the alchemy lab to draw the plans for the statue. Drop a master builder half way up the ramp where it says, "Sees a good place to anchor the statue". When the scaffolding is finished drop the chief on the statue or the ramp to direct the work. Drop all trainee or higher builders on the statue or ramp to push the statue. This will take some time and needs to be monitored often because if a villager dies or gets sick then the chief will stop directing the work and all the builders will walk away. Click the statue to see how much longer it will take if the work continues uninterrupted and with that current number of pushers.
Description: "This tremendous statue was too beautiful to leave broken, and your builders know no task too great. It appears to be in honor of a princess..."

Puzzle 10: The Orchard
Requirements: Puzzle #6, Level 2 Restoration
Action: As soon as it starts to rain, put a villager on the lift and the bucket will fill with water and raise your villager to reach a seed in the tree. You may want to push the space bar to pause the game when the rain starts while you look for and transport a villager to the lift. Plant the seed that falls out of the tree. You will need to do this a second time to plant the third tree. Click the planted seed or young tree to see how much longer it will take for it to produce fruit. When all 3 trees are producing, this puzzle will be complete.
Description: "It must have been many years since the orchard has thrived and prospered on this part of the island. It will produce much food for the tribe."

Puzzle 11: Banishing the Sharks
Requirements: Puzzle #3, Level 2 Faction, Level 2 Alchemy
Action: Once you purchase either level 2 faction, a new herb will appear just left of the alchemy lab. If you choose the NATURE faction then make a brew in the alchemy lab from 2 Black Orchid and 1 Pitcher Plant. If you choose the MAGIC faction then make a brew in the alchemy lab from 2 Rose and 1 Berry. Then have a villager drink the potion. He/she will carry a vial to the ocean and this puzzle will be solved. You do need to wait for this puzzle to be completed and using a child to drink the potion will be faster. There are pictures of these potions, in case you forget, in the underground room from puzzle #7. Once this puzzle is complete, you will have enough food to support a maximum population, as long as you have enough farmers, so now let the population grow as quickly as possible.
Description: "With a masterful mix of herbs, and the skill of your great alchemists, a way has been found to deal with the sharks, so that they will no longer bother your villagers. Let the fishing begin!"

Puzzle 12: Aromatherapy
Requirements: Puzzle #8, Level 3 Medicine, Master Doctor
Action: Drop a master doctor in the bath and he/she will fill the bowls around the bath. When this is done, drop a master doctor on the lit fire and wait for the doctor to carry a torch to the bath and light all the burners in the bowls.
Description: "Your villagers have mastered aromatherapy, which reduces the chance of disease."

Puzzle 13: The Ash Key
Requirements: Puzzle #3
Action: After you have lit the fire and let it burn out 3 times, a shinny gem will appear in the fire pit. It will be too hot to pick up so drop many villagers on the waterfall. They will carry a bowl of water to the fire pit. Children work best for this since they run and you will need to carry many bowls to the fire pit. Keep doing this until you drop a villager on the waterfall and they drink the water instead of carry the bowl. Then drop a villager, even a child, on the gem and wait for him/her to carry it to the door.
Description: "Your villagers have found one of the keys to the strange door amid the ashes of the fire."

Puzzle 14: The Hanging Key
Requirements: Puzzle #3
Action: Make a potion with Cactus, Rose, Lotus. If you forget, a picture of these herbs is on the wall of the cliff below the pink diamond on the middle right (number 6) of the map. Have an adult villager drink the potion and it will say, "Your villager feels light and springy!". Drop that villager below the pink diamond slightly to the right and he/she will jump to get the key. Wait for the villager to carry the key to the door.
Description: "Your villagers have found one of the keys to the strange door at the end of the cliff path."

Puzzle 15: The Calm Key
Requirements: Puzzle #9, Level 3 Restoration, Master builder, Master Scientist, Chief
Action: Once the statue is in place a pearl will appear to the right of the amphitheater. Drop a master builder on the pearl. He/she will carry it to the waterfall. When the master builder is done with the pearl, drop a master scientist on the pearl and he/she will carry it to the science lab. Once the master scientist is done with it, drop the chief on the pearl. The chief will carry the pearl to the giant clam and exchange it with the key. Wait for the chief to carry the key to the door.
Description: "Your villagers have found one of the keys to the strange door in the big clam in the ocean."

Puzzle 16: The Sun Dial
Requirements: Everything
Action: When the hidden room is open, drop a villager on the green circle in the room and the circle will move. When a beam of light shines in the room, move the circle to the light, which will be the furthest to the left that the circle can go. After a while 2 ghosts will appear to the right of the green circle. Drop a villager on the circle to find the secret of the city. Sometimes I have trouble getting the game to register this puzzle being completed. If this happens, max out your population then put a villager on the circle again when the ghosts are present.
Description: "Using the strange machine in the hidden antechamber, your villagers have somehow enabled communication with some of the original inhabitants of this part of the island! This is a great achievement, and your tribe stands in awe and wonder!"

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children

the lost children

Tips: The Secret City

Watch out for Biggles.

Drink anything orange.

When you hear the bells look for mushrooms or collectibles.

Click on a project to see what percent completed it is.

Puzzles are not solved in order.

When you want a baby don't let them walk back to the hut. Keep an eye on the population count and keep trying until you see the population size increase.

Drop a villager on the herbs to increase their healing powers. Keep putting them back until they learn and then they will continue studying and learn healing on their own.

When a mushroom or other collectible first appears, press the space bar to pause the game. Then quickly put several children on the item then press the space bar again to start the game. Each child will carry an item back to the food bin. If you wait too long then the item will disappear. I think 3 children are the most possible for this.

Always use a child to heal anyone who is sick. That is the only skill a child can be taught and when they reach 14 years old they will heal the sick on their own even if you are not around. The sick hang out around the center of the map before the hospital is built. If a villager sneezes when you pick them up then they are sick and must be cured or else.

Keep an eye out for mushrooms, especially at the beginning of the game until you buy Level 2 Farming. Only children can pick them up and the mushrooms may desperately be needed for food in the future.

If there is only one coconut left the villagers will not pick it. When you aree low on food put all villagers on the coconut trees. Keep putting the villagers who already picked a coconut back on the tree before they get to the food bin until all villagers climb the trees. Then they will each get the last coconut.

Pause the game if you will not be playing again for a long time.

To get to a different part of the map quickly, push the number keys. You can also pick up a villager then press a number key to transport the villager to another part of the map.
1 = bottom left, 2 = bottom middle, 3 = bottom right
4 = middle left, 5 = middle middle, 6 = middle right
7 = top left, 8 = top middle, 9 = top right

Make sure not all your farmers are old.

Before population 10 and again before 35 a new hut foundation appears. The hut must be built before the population can grow over 10 or 35. Change all preferences off of parenting until the hut is complete.
Bang the gong, see what happens.

Bang the gong, see what happens.

Strategies: The Secret City

Set all 3 adults preferences to farming and let them get a stockpile of fish before the ocean becomes algae infested.

Once that happens, set all preferences to science and monitor their progress. As soon as they have enough points, purchase level #2 farming and level #2 engineering.

Change all preferences to construction and get them working on the dam.

Once the dam is complete, put 2 women's preferences to parenting and stay with them until they become trainees. Change 1 villager to farmer and all others to science.

Let the population grow to around 15 until you are able to purchase level 3 farming.

Then let your population grow large by changing one 18-year-old man's preference to parenting. Build a second hut at around population 35, first hut around population 10.

Save points to purchase level 2 and 3 science before you buy any of the other techs.

Once you bought all the technologies you should have 90, mostly adults, to finish all the puzzles.
Puzzles and Milestone Window

Puzzle 1: The Fire
Requirements: None
Action: Drop one adult villager on the dry grass in the upper left. Pick up a villager and press number 7 to get him there quickly. Drop another villager on the woodpile on the bottom left, press number 1. This can be done the same time to save time. Once the villagers carry the grass and wood to the fire pit then drop an adult on the fire pit and he/she will light the fire.
Description: "A villager discovered how to make fire! Crackling and warm, this foundation of life and progress provides comfort, health, and technological advantage... As long as your villagers can keep it burning."
The Fire

Puzzle 2: The Dam
Requirements: Level 2 Engineering
Action: Drop a villager or all villagers on the rocks below the stream (number 3). Be sure to change their preferences to builder. This will take some time and you need to watch them until they become trainees. I find it best to first put all the non-builders on the hut on the bottom left of the map (number 1) just until they become trainees and then transfer them to the dam.
Description: "Your engineers harnessed the power of nature by building a dam and redirecting the overflow of fresh stream water to a patch of fertile soil. As a result, your villagers can farm now! The dam also drained the southeast flats and will prevent further flooding in that area."
The Dam

Puzzle 3: The Scarecrow
Requirements: Puzzle #2, Level 2 Engineering, Adept Farmer
Action: Drop 2 adept or master farmers on the twisted sticks in the upper right of the map (number 9). They will carry some wood to the farm and build the scarecrow. If you only have 1 adept or master farmer then he/she will have to make 2 trips.
Description: "To ward off the flocks of hungry birds, a farmer fashioned a spooky scarecrow out of some twisted and gnarled sticks. Those pesky birds should keep their distance now!"
The Scarecrow

Puzzle 4: The Cutting Tool
Requirements: Level 2 Exploration, Master Scientist
Action: Drop a master scientist on the shinny object to the right of the sticks on the top right of the map (number 9). The object appears only after you reach level 2 exploration. The scientist will carry the object to the science hut. Once that is done you can drop the same or any other master scientist on the sticks near the shinny object and he/she will carry the sticks back to the science hut. Wait for the scientist to build the cutting tools.
Description: "Your scientists fashioned a new tool! Stout branches combined with naturally sharp stone tips, found by experienced eyes, combined to make an effective tool for cutting down fierce vegetation."
The Cutting Tools

Puzzle 5: Herb Mastery
Requirements: None
Action: This is the first thing I do when I start a new game. You need to drop a villager on each of 6 flowers around the map. You start the game with 3 villagers who are old enough so you can study 3 flowers the same time. When they start to walk away drop them on the other 3 flowers. Locations: 1 flower top left (number 7), 1 flower top middle (number 8), 2 flowers top right (number 9), 1 flower bottom right (number 3), 1 flower bottom middle (number 2).
Description: "After thorough investigation of the local flora, your villagers mastered the use of Isola's indigenous herbs. Not only are healing powers improved, the variety of cooking herbs is increased."
Herb Mastery

Puzzle 6: The Elder Tower
Requirements: None
Action: After awhile, it could even be before you purchase level 2 farming, algae will grow in the ocean and the villagers cannot fish anymore. After you reach level 3 farming drop all your masters in the pond and they will catch an algae eating fish then they will carry it to the ocean. It will take 10 algae eating fish so keep bringing the masters back from the ocean to the pond until this puzzle is complete.
Description: "Your villagers erected a handsome totem commemorating the skills mastery of a village Elder. The Elder's wisdom and influence will be remembered for many generations."
The Elder Tower

Puzzle 7: Sustainable Fishing
Requirements: Level 3 Farming
Action: One villager needs to become a master at 3 different skills and will then be called an esteemed elder. Once this happens a totem pole will appear at the spot where he/she first became a master for the third skill. There are several different kinds of totem poles. You get another totem pole each time a villager becomes an esteemed elder and you can move the totem poles anyplace you want.
Description: "Your scientists confirmed that over fishing of algae-eating fish caused extensive algae growth in the ocean. By introducing a special fish from the diving pool, your tribe restored the natural balance and clean state of the ocean!"
Sustainable Fishing

Puzzle 8: The Wine Wall
Requirements: Puzzle #4, Level 3 Culture
Action: Wait for your population to be large before starting this puzzle. Drop your villagers on the vine wall on the middle right of the map (number 6). They will then go get a cutting tool and return to start removing the vines. Set the villager's preference to building. This will take awhile so don't wait. Once this puzzle is complete, drop a villager on the wall and he/she will read the wall.
Description: "Now that your tribe extensively researched culture, they can read the writing on this ancient wall."
The Wine Wall

Puzzle 9: The Stew
Requirements: Puzzle #1, Puzzle #5, Level 2 Exploration
Action: Start the fire as in puzzle #1 and, at the same time if you wish, drop a villager on the cauldron in the woodpile.
Once the fire is going and the cauldron is in place, drop a villager on the cauldron to prepare for stew.
Drop a villager on the cauldron again and they will go get water for the stew.
At the same time drop 3 other villagers on any 3 of the 6 flowers around the island and they will carry the flowers to the cauldron.
Once the villager fills the cauldron with the water put a villager on the cauldron again and they will go get food to put in the pot. When the magical stew is done, drop a villager on the cauldron to eat and see what happens. If you try different combinations of flowers you will get different results.
Description: "Through mastery of the island herbs and a desire to eat something warm and filling, your villagers learned to make a delicious hot stew! With different ingredients, maybe they can create different stews..."
The Stew

Puzzle 10: The Ancient Mosaic
Requirements: Puzzle #4, Level 3 Engineering, Level 3 Culture
Action: Drop your villagers on the vines below the dam (number 3). They will scrape off the vines and, after a long while, reveal the ancient mosaic.
Description: "Being the skilled explorers, engineers, and culturists they are, your villagers expertly restored the Ancient Mosaic. It was probably the floor of an important building, judging by its intricate beauty."
The Ancient Mosaic

Puzzle 11: The Hospital
Requirements: Level 3 Medicine, Level 3 Engineering
Action: A foundation will appear on the bottom middle of the map (number 2). Drop your villagers on the foundation and they will build a hospital. Once completed, your villagers will go there when they are sick. Also, the doctors will hang around the hospital and wait for the sick.
Description: "Your village builders and healers collaborated to build a hospital! Not only is it a place for the infirm, it has also advanced medical research. Your villagers now heal faster and wont get sick as often."
The Hospital

Puzzle 12: The Sewing Hut
Requirements: Level 2 Culture, Level 2 Science
Action: A new foundation will appear next to the love hut. When completed your villagers can spend 5,000 points each and finally change those clothes that they have been wearing since birth. One game I played I gave all the farmers one uniform, all the researchers another, and so on. When the villager mastered that skill I changed their preference and their uniform until they mastered that skill and so on. That way I was able to keep each villager learning their current task just by their clothes, without having to check their preference. I wanted to see how many totem poles the game will allow. If I remember correctly, 50 totem poles was the max.
Description: "Desperate for new clothes, your villagers developed new clothing materials! Now you can drag a villager to the sewing hut to purchase a new outfit at a cost of 5000 tech points."
The Sewing Hut

Puzzle 13: The Sunken Gong Piece
Requirements: Puzzle #1, Puzzle #5, Puzzle #9, Level 2 Exploration
Action: Make a stew from the black flower on the top right (number 9) and 2 red flowers from the bottom center of the map (number 2). Drop a villager on the cauldron to eat the magic stew. It should then say, "Your villager feels no need to breathe". Drop that villager in the pond. He/she will climb the rock, jump off, and sink. The villager will then carry the quarter piece of the gong to the cave or to the research hut if puzzle #16 is not finished. If you forget the combination for this puzzle then you can always find it in the picture on the vine wall after you finish puzzle #8.
Description: "With the aid of a special breathing stew, a villager was able to hold their breath long enough to explore the depths of the lagoon. Long after disappearing, the villager resurfaced with a sunken object seen glinting far below. It's a piece of the Gong of Wonder!"
The Sunken Gong Piece

Puzzle 14: The Inlaid Gong Piece
Requirements: Puzzle #4, Puzzle #10, Level 3 Engineering, Level 3 Culture, Level 3 Exploration
Action: Drop a totem pole in the center of the circle in the center of the mosaic. A quarter piece of the Gong of Wonder will appear. Drop a villager on the gong piece and wait for them to carry it to the cave or to the research hut if puzzle #16 is not finished.
Description: "Several villagers moved the Elder Totem onto the ancient mosaic and discovered that one of the inlaid pieces is not from the original mosaic after all. It's a piece of the Gong of Wonder!"
The Inlaid Gong Piece

Puzzle 15: The Boxed Gong Piece
Requirements: 3 Master Builders
Action: To finally open that mysterious box on the beach that washed ashore, simply drop 3 master builders on the box. The box will fall apart exposing a quarter piece of the Gong of Wonder. Drop a villager on the gong piece and wait for them to carry it to the cave. If Puzzle #16 is not yet completed then the villagers will carry the gong piece to the research hut to store it until puzzle #16 is complete.
Description: "Using their combined ingenuity and skill, your master builders pried open the expertly sealed crate that washed ashore and taunted them since its arrival. After struggling with it for some time, the box yielded to reveal a piece of the Gong of Wonder!"
The Boxed Gong Piece

Puzzle 16: The Overgrown Gong Piece
Requirements: Puzzle #4, Level 2 Exploration
Action: Drop the villagers on the thorny area on the top center of the map (number 8). They will go get a cutting tool and then return to cut away the thorns. This will take some time and you can see the thorny area getting smaller and smaller until it is all gone. When completed, a piece of the Gong of Wonder will be in its place in the cave.
Description: "Clearing the briars, your villagers discovered the real purpose of this strange statue... To house a giant gong! The section of gong found in the thorny undergrowth is now positioned in the statue where it seems to belong."
The Overgrown Gong Piece